Showing posts with label others. Show all posts
Showing posts with label others. Show all posts

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Confirmed 721 Pokemon

The following image is one of page of Pokemon XY Playing guide published today. It says Pokedex 721.
Confirmed 718 + 3 more officially.
Thank you for sharing image to @misterror491.

Confirmed Pokemon 721

What's 3 more, already images are out by hacked in the internet, please find them yourself.

[ Referece ]
Overlap Pokemon XY Playing Guide

Friday, September 20, 2013

R.I.P. Hiroshi Yamauchi

Nintendo former president Hiroshi Yamauchi passed away by pneumonia on 19 September. He was 85. Ceremony schedule is vigil on 21 September, funeral at 2 p.m. Nintendo HQ Kyoto, Japan on 22 September 2013.

If you have Pokemon Red/Blue/Gold/Silver, remember the ending roll.
His name was on credit as executive producer.

R.I.P. Thank you to Hiroshi Yamauchi

We thank you for great all game consoles, and found business potential of  'Capsule Monster' in 1990 instead of Namco.

May he rest in peace.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Pokemon Milk Fruits Au Lait (Snowbalnd) and WHAT'S SIGN ?

Milk daily products maker Snowbland will release the following fruits flavor milk in September 2013. Attaches a sticker.

[ Reference ]
FoodsNews : Pokemon Meg Milk

Generally AAPF skips like this merchandise news but posted this time. Because the package is interesting. Why Charmander is there ?

The following images are upcoming merchandise featuring RB starters from October to November 2013 we've reported so far. Click the image for the details.

In the 2nd left of pics, two question marks ?? on the RB starts line. Casually ? 

Remarkable point is why are featuring only RB starters around XY releasing time.
Is it just nostalgic marketing or sign for something ?

[ Add / 19 Aug 2013 ]

Dec 2013 release items
  • Tomy PlaMon Neo Figure : Venusaur, Blastoise
  • Banpresto Game Prize Figure Key Chains : Chespi, Fennekin, Froakie, Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle

==> Confirmed Kanto starters and Mega Evolved Kanto Pokemon in XY. Details is here.

[ Edit ]
5 Sep 2013: Followup Pokemon Direct info.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

8th New Pokemon Center TOKYO-BAY in Japan

Pokemon Company announces that new Pokemon center will open at large shopping center Lalaport in Funabashi, Chiba (Kanto region) in the end of November 2013.
It is 8th Pokemon center in Japan, names 'Pokemon Center Tokyo-Bay'.
Pokemon Center TOKYO-BAY logo
Location, logo, working hours, access map of Pokemon center in Japan are summarized in the following map. Click the image or click this link.

All Pokemon Centers in Japan 2013

[ Reference ]
Pokemon Co : Center News : Renewal Lalaport TOKYO-BAY

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Eeveelution Wristwatch (Toyopet)

One of Toyota car dealer Toyopet in Japan will give away Eeveelution wristwatch with their questionnaires from 7 June to 16 July. It's Toyopet original exclusive item.

Eeveelution List Watach Toyopet

[ Reference ]
Toyopet Pokemon Promotion

[ Search Link ]
YJ Auction

Friday, July 6, 2012

POKEMON with YOU Mini Car (TPC/Tomica)

The Pokemon Company will release the following charity merchandise 'POKEMON with YOU' station wagon miniature car by Tomica on 14 July 2012.. The Pokemon Company gives victims of the disaster it on their visiting.

[ Reference ]
About POKEMON with YOU
POKEMON with YOU Activity News

As for other mini car items, please see these articles.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Team Roket Official Twitter Account Opens

Just let you know, Pokemon movie official blog announces that Team rocket Giovanni (Sakaki) twitter account opened yesterday. Check it out :D

Team Rocket Twitter Account

[ Reference ]
Pokemon Movie Blog
Team Rocket Twitter

Friday, June 1, 2012

Pokemon Anime BW EP 83 to 87 Trailers

The trailers of Pokemon Anime BW Episord 83 to 87 are uploaded.
  • EP 083:激闘タチワキジム!VSホミカ!! (前編)Fierce Fighting at Tachiwaki Gym! VS Homika!! (Part 1) Air on 14 June 2012
  • EP 084:激闘タチワキジム!VSホミカ!! (後編)Fierce Fighting at Tachiwaki Gym! VS Homika!! (Part 2) Air on 14 June 2012
  • EP 085:歌えメロエッタ!愛の旋律!!Sing, Meloetta! The Melody of Love!! Air on 21 June 2012
  • EP 086:ポッチャマVSヤナップ!華麗なるバトル!!Pochama VS Yanappu! The Magnificent Battle!! Air on 28 June 2012
  • EP 087:イワークの島でサバイバル!Survival on the Island of Iwark! Air on 5 June 2012
Souce from magazine Pokemon Fan Vol.23.

[ Pokemon Anime BW EP 83 to 87 Trailers ]

Sample Images (Enlarge by click the following image)

Pokemon BW EP83 84 85 86 87 Trailers

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Uploaded Part of Pokemon Fan Vol.22

Here is glance of pages of Pokemon Fan Vol.22.
No special news on the movie 15 and new game Black 2 and White 2.

CAUTION : images are ultra heavy
  1. B2W2 game
  2. Pokemon Movie 15
  3. Pokemon TV Anime : Preview for 10, 17, 24 and 31May on air contents
  4. Pokemon + Nobunaga's Ambition : Mentions password for Drifloon
  5. Pokemon TCG 
  6. Pokemon Battrio : List of all avatars
  7. Travel Daily

Friday, April 20, 2012

Pokemon Attraction 'Pokemon Adventure Camp' opens

As we've reported new trademark 'Pokemon Adventure Camp' in February, now it reveals.
Nagashima Resort Co. will open Pokemon indoor walk-through attraction 'Pokemon Adventure Camp' in the middle of July 2012, Kuwana Mie, Japan.

[ Outline ]
  • Area : 2,000 m2 (Pokemon Adventure Camp area plus Pokemon Goods shop)
  • Adventure Camp : You roll member of the Pokemon researcher. Find the hiding Pokemon in the forest, waterfall and cave with playing various games.
  • Games : Game with sensation (riding trolley and glider), AR research (Display hiding Pokemon to screen)
  • Goals : Giving PokeDex (result of your researching, you can update it next time)
  • Various stories : Story and game level change depending player age and number of visiting
[ Logo and image arts ]
Pokemon Adventure Camp Nagashima Resort
[ Reference ]
Nagashima Restore : Press Release (pdf) via Nikkei
Nagashima Restore : Official Site
Pokemon Sercher (current service)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

COMPLAINT to Some Pokemon Fans

I have a complaint to some Pokemon fans.
Don't ask uploading CoroCoro Pokemon pages to @air_dmzil directly. I've seen two persons in the twitter yesterday and today.
He are buying it with extra fees, of cause early get means special sales. It's his, NOT YOURS.
As early get CoroCoro, shop breaks the sales rule. He and the shop have trust relationship, then  we know the info by his kindness and courtesy of his share mind. Personally I approached and offered him to buy Pokemon relation pages for you, but negotiation was rejected, because of the above persons behaviors.

You spoil our important resource.

Saying again, Do not ask to upload/scan CoroCoro Pokemon pages to @air_dmzil directly.

[ Add ] 11 Apr 2012 13:00 JST

Message from @air_dmzil :
Unfortunately can not help for Pokemon fans expectation.
Reasons are abovementioned plus, in case of Pokemon information, it's very sensitive issue recently. There is high risk for him and he has a possibility to arrest by the copy right violation if scanning upload, same as this.
Thank you for your understanding.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Jobs for 3DCG Pokemon Modeling (Creatures)

The following job in Creatures are listed at the job seeking site recently.
Is it related to 3D Pokedex enhancement or PokePark 3 on Wii U or something on 3DS ?
  • Position : Supervisor for 3DCG Pokemon modeling and motions
[ Reference ]
eCareer : Supervisor for 3DCG Pokemon game via Inside-Games

Creatures : Jobs for supervisor 3DCG Pokemon game

Uploaded the images Pokemon Clipping Figure etc

Images are uploaded to the following articles.
Corrected release lines and schedule of Pokemon BW Swing movie version.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Pokemon Collaboration with Graphic Designer (Isetan)

Major department store Isetan will be held the charity advertisement exhibition for Tohoku region disaster, start 4 April to 9 April 2012 at Shinjyuku-branch, Tokyo Japan.  
One of theme in the exhibition is 'feature advertiosemnt', it is based on assumption that promotion in after 10 or 20 years in Japan. Pokemon's poster collaboration with graphic designer Taku SATO as known as package designing will be displayed.
Poster, book, postcards and T-shirts will be available in the exhibition. Will report more details soon.
Feature Advertisement Exhibition at Isetan, Pokemon x Taku SATO
Taku SATO x Pokemon Poster 1 from Ameblo Nippon-Hanjo
Taku SATO x Pokemon Poster 2 from Ameblo Nippon-Hanjo
Taku SATO x Pokemon T Shirts from Ameblo Nippon-Hanjo

[ Reference ]
Graphic Designer Taku SATO : Portfolio
Art Director Katsumi ASABA's secretary dialy
Isetan : Advertisement Exhibition
Official Blog

[ Edit ]
04 Apr 2012 : Added the images from Official blog, Thank you to Amablo Nippon-Hanjo

Thursday, March 22, 2012

New TradeMark Pokemon TRETTA etc

AAPF confirmed that the following new trademark have been applied from Nintendo/GameFreak/creatures, according to publicated Unexamined/International Trademark Applications Gazette Vol.605 by Japan Patent Office as of 22 March 2012.
  • No T2012-13375 : ブラックキュレム (Black Kyurem)
  • No T2012-13376 : ホワイトキュレム (White Kyurem)
  • No T2012-14318 : ポケモン トレッタ
  • No T2012-14319 : Pokemon TRETTA
New Trademark Pokemon TRETTA

As for related forme, nothing new one at the moment.
Pokemon Tretta seems something related game/toys field. In Japan, word "Tretta" is popular product name as known as bookshelf or bicycle. In meanwhile, AAPF found this in Deviantart :D

[ Add 27 Mar 2012 ]
Uploaded the detail contents.

Pokemon Tretta Details T2012-14318

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Pokemon for Grown-Ups (Banpresto)

Banpresto runs/will run Pokemon game prize series as below at the moment.
Actually, target of these are for the adults, eye catch copy : 'Pokemon for Grown-Ups おとなもポケモン', marketing concept/background are revealed at AOU#2012.

Announcement of Pokemon for Grown-Ups Banpresto

[ Marketing Concept ]

Concept of Pokemon for Grown-Ups Banpresto from @hide_loopcube

[ Pokemon for Grown-Ups Series /Special Page ]
  • My Pokemon Collection : Plush every Unova Pokemon
  • I Love Pikachu : High quality Pikachu goods
  • WAZA Museum : Figure with effect and attacks, will start Jun 2012
  • ( PARTNERS : Figure (Charactor and Pokemon), will start Jul 2012 )
  • I Love Eevee : High quality Eevee (probably Eeveelution too) goods, will start Oct 2012
  • Referenceable images of the series are #1, #2, #3
  • Just opening the related page, special site will be activated in Ju 2012.
Special Page of Pokemon for Grown-Ups Banpresto

Thank you for the concept image to Twipic@hide_loopcube.
Special thanks to @denkimouse and @happyjolteon.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Uploaded Part of Pokemon Fan Vol.21#2

Continued yesterday's post. Here is glance of pages of Pokemon Fan Vol.21

CAUTION : images are ultra heavy
  1. Pokemon Battalio, featuring V04 Series.
  2. Pokemon+Nobunaga's Ambition, nothing special new info 
  3. For the fans, Trip Diary

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Uploaded Part of Pokemon Fan Vol.21#1

Here is glance of pages of Pokemon Fan Vol.21.
No special news for the movie 15 and new game Black 2 and White 2.

CAUTION : images are ultra heavy
  1. Pokemon Movie 15, page says keyword of new trailer is 'Ice Dragon Gate made by Kyurem'.
  2. Pokemon TV Anime, featuring Donamite
  3. Pokemon TCG, featuring Dragons
Will upload Nobunaga and Battolio tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Web Comic 'Pokemon + Nobunaga's Ambition' Starts on Noco Video

For the promotion of the game 'Pokemon Plus Nobunaga's Ambition', web comic will start on NocoVideo on 16 March 2012. It will be updated every Friday by Launch Nanatsumu.

WebComic Pokemon + Nobunaga's Ambition by Launch Nanatsumi from Famistu

[ Reference ]
Launch Nanatsumu : Pixiv, Twitter
NicoVideo (Comic) : Pokemon + Nobunaga's Ambition Special Page
News Site : Famitsu

Pokemon TV Animation 15th Anniversary Special in PokeSma (TV Tokyo)

Just a topic on Pokemon TV Annime unusually :D
Shouko Nakagawa aka Shokotan is one of main performer in Pokemon TV show PokeSma on Sunday.
According to shokotan's blog, something of 15th years anniversary special for Pokemon TV animation has been recorded in TV Tokyo studio on 6 March 2012.  On air date of it is not revealed at the moment.

Pokemon TV Animation 15th Anniversary Special in PokeSma from Shokotan's blog

[ Reference ]
Shokatan's blog : Dated 6 March 2012 (Hoping be Monferno someday)
TV Tokyo : PokeSma

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