Have you read previous article ? Anyhow here is merchandise news.
Takara Tomy ARTS will release the following capsule toys in January 2014.
Will replace the images soon.
[ Pokemon Netsuke Figure XY 2 ]
[ Pokemon Battle Wheel Strike XY ]
[ Refrence /Order link]
Rakuten : Netsuke Figure
Takara Tomy ARTS will release the following capsule toys in January 2014.
Will replace the images soon.
[ Pokemon Netsuke Figure XY 2 ]
- Middle of January 2014
- Size 3cm
- Mega Mewtwo Y, Pikachu, Fletchling,
- Helioptile, Swirlix, Litleo, Inkay
[ Pokemon Battle Wheel Strike XY ]
- Middle of January 2014
- Top : Size 4cm, Case (Shooter) : Size 5.5cm
- Xerneas, Pikacu, Inkay, Pokemon A
- Yveltal, Dedenne, Pokemon B, Pokemon C
- Mega Mewtwo Y, Pokemon A, Pokemon B, Pokemon C (Rare version)
- Mega Blaziken, Pokemon A, Pokemon B, Pokemon C (Rare version)
[ Refrence /Order link]
Rakuten : Netsuke Figure