Showing posts with label ChupaSurprise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ChupaSurprise. Show all posts

Saturday, June 30, 2012

World Hobby Fair WHF 2012 Report#2 (Banpresto)

World Hobby Fair WHF 2012 Report#2 Banpresto upcoming merchandise.

[ I Love Eevee ]

[ Round Shape Plush / Large Plush / Regular Plush / Figure Plush ]

To be continued Report#3 Bandai and Tomy.

Link : Report#1, #3

Friday, February 18, 2011

Pokemon Fan Magazine Vol.16 (Shougakukan)

Quarterly Pokemon information magazine Pokemon Fan Vol. 16 from Shougakukan has been published on 18 Februrary 2011. The bonus (free gift) of Vol.6 are magnet, stickers, movie small poster etc, please refer to the official page.
In the magazine, AAPF confirmed that nothing special/new info on the movie 14th and plush series 'My Pokemon Collection'.

Pokemon Fan Vol.16 Shougakukan

As for previous Pokemon Fan figures bonus, please refer to this post.

[ Reference ]
Shougakukan : Pokemon Fan Vol.16, Rakuten Book Store, SevenNetBookStore

Here is glance of pages mainly movie and new merchandise. (images are ultra heavy)
  1. Appearing Pokemon in movie 14th
  2. Distribution Victini, holding V Generation, Fire Jewel, Cherish Ball, and with Wish Ribbon (Not mentioned Pre-order/theater)
  3. Figure Tomy MC (Promotion and March)
  4. Plush from Tomy (March) and etc
  5. Texture
  6. Figure Zukan BW2, zip mascot from TTA
  7. Figure Chupa Surprise BW 2 from TTA
  8. Figure Supper Get (超ゲット) BW 2 from Bandai
  9. Tapestry, Magnet Collection Gum, Sticker from Ensky
  10. Cap, Handkerchief from PokemonCenterJP
  11. Pokemon Battrio new series in March (1/2)
  12. Ditto (2/2)
  13. Bath powder with collectable sticker from Tomy
  14. Clipping figure BW 2 from Bandai
Also please check shellspider's blog, uploading game/anime pages

    Thursday, January 6, 2011

    Pokemon Figure Chupa Suprise Figure BW 2 (TTA)

    TTA (Takara Tomy Arts) will release the following 10 figures of Chupa Suprise BW 2 series in March 2011. Canday toys, size is 3cm, a figure is in one of 5 kinds Poke Balls.
    Will replace the photo later.
    • #497 Serperior, #500 Emboar, #503 Samurott, #509 Purrloin, 
    • #511 Pansage, #555 Darmanitan, #572 Minccino, #585 Deerling (spring), 
    • #643 Reshiram (overdrive), #644 Zekrom (overdrive)
    Pokemon Figure Chupa Suprise Figure BW 2 TTA

    [ Reference ]
    Rakuten Toys shop : ToySanta

    Wednesday, November 24, 2010

    Replaced Pics for Pokemon Figures

    Photos for Pokemon Kids BW 2 (Bandai), Pokemon Zukan BW 1 (TTA) and Pokemon Chupa Suprise BW Figure (TTA) are replaced/added to the following previous articles and edited contents.

    Bandai Pokemon Kids BW 2 (Bandai)
    Pokemon Zukan BW 1 (TTA)
    Pokemon Chupa Suprise BW Figure (TTA)

    Tuesday, November 9, 2010

    Pokemon Chupa Suprise Figure BW (TTA)

    TTA (Takara Tomy Arts) will release 9 figures in Chupa Suprise BW series in the middle of November 2010. Canday toys, size is 3 cm, a figure is in one of 5 kinds Poke Balls.

    •  #495 Tsutaja , #498 Pokabu , #501 Mijumaru,
    • #519 Mamebato, #529 Mogury, #551 Meguroko, #610 Kibago,
    • #643 Reshiramu, #644 Zekromu
    Pokemon Chupa Suprise Figure BW 1 TTA

    [ Reference ]
    Rakuten Toys shop : ToySanta
    TTA Pokemon official page

    [ Edit ]
    24 Nov 2010 : Replaced the pic

    Monday, November 3, 2008

    Pokemon Chupa Surprise Figure DP5 (Subarudo)

    Subarudo will release 10 figures, Chupa Suprise Figure DP5 'Let's Battle !' in the end of November. Canday toys, size is 0.9", a figure is inside one of 5 kinds Poke Balls (PokeBall, SuperBall, Hyperball, NetBall, NestBall) .
    • #145 Zapdos, #388 Grotle, #393 Piplup, #395 Empoleon, #470 Leafeon,
    • #471 Glaceon, #473 Mamoswine, #488 Cresselia, #489 Phione, #492 Shaymin (sky)
    Pokemon Chupa Surprise Figure DP5 Subarudo
    If want know previous items, please refer to Pokemon Chupa Surprise Figure DP4.

    [ Reference ]
    Subarudo : Pokemon pages

    Monday, March 31, 2008

    Pokemon Chupa Surprise Figure DP4 (Subarudo)

    Subarudo will release 10 figures, Chupa Suprise Figure DP4 on 14 April.
    Canday toys, size is 0.9", a figure is inside one of 5 kinds Poke Balls (PokeBall,UltraBall,MasterBall,GreatBall, RepeatBall) .
    Previous items are also mentioned as follow.

    [ DP1 March 2007 ]
    • #025 Pikachu, #387 Turtwig,# 390 Chimchar, #393 Piplup, #396 Starly
    • #421 Cherrim, #448 Lucario, #466 Electivire, #483 Dialga, #484 Palkia
    • Prize :Dialga/Palkia clear figure
    [ DP2 June 2007 ]
    • #150 Mewtwo, #244 Entei, #249 Lugia, #251 Celebi,
    • #380 Latias, #381 Latios, #385 Jirachi, #386 Deoxys(attack form),
    • #448 Lucario, #490 Manaphy, #491 Darkrai
    [ DP3 September 2007 ]
    • #398 Staraptor, #403 Shinx, #409 Rampardos, #417 Pachirisu, #464 Rhyperior
    • #467 Magmortar, #475 Gallade, #480 Uxie, #481 Mesprit, #482 Azelf
    [ DP4 April 2008 ]
    • #025 Pikachu, #026 Raichu, #207 Gligar, #224 Octillery, #416 Vespiquen,
    • #427 Buneary, #445 Garchomp, #460 Abomasnow, #472 Gliscor, #485 Heatran
    • Prize :Pikachu/Darkrai clear figure (each 50 winners in montly May-Dec)
    Chupa Surprise Figure DP4

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