Monday, March 31, 2008
Pokemon Chupa Surprise Figure DP4 (Subarudo)
Subarudo will release 10 figures, Chupa Suprise Figure DP4 on 14 April.
Canday toys, size is 0.9", a figure is inside one of 5 kinds Poke Balls (PokeBall,UltraBall,MasterBall,GreatBall, RepeatBall) .
Previous items are also mentioned as follow.
[ DP1 March 2007 ]
Canday toys, size is 0.9", a figure is inside one of 5 kinds Poke Balls (PokeBall,UltraBall,MasterBall,GreatBall, RepeatBall) .
Previous items are also mentioned as follow.
[ DP1 March 2007 ]
- #025 Pikachu, #387 Turtwig,# 390 Chimchar, #393 Piplup, #396 Starly
- #421 Cherrim, #448 Lucario, #466 Electivire, #483 Dialga, #484 Palkia
- Prize :Dialga/Palkia clear figure
- #150 Mewtwo, #244 Entei, #249 Lugia, #251 Celebi,
- #380 Latias, #381 Latios, #385 Jirachi, #386 Deoxys(attack form),
- #448 Lucario, #490 Manaphy, #491 Darkrai
- #398 Staraptor, #403 Shinx, #409 Rampardos, #417 Pachirisu, #464 Rhyperior
- #467 Magmortar, #475 Gallade, #480 Uxie, #481 Mesprit, #482 Azelf
- #025 Pikachu, #026 Raichu, #207 Gligar, #224 Octillery, #416 Vespiquen,
- #427 Buneary, #445 Garchomp, #460 Abomasnow, #472 Gliscor, #485 Heatran
- Prize :Pikachu/Darkrai clear figure (each 50 winners in montly May-Dec)
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Pokemon Metal Figure Collection DP4 (Kyoudo)
Kyoudo will release 8 figures, Pokemon metal figure collection DP4 in April.
Size is 0.7", Gashapon (capsule toy). A figure has 5 color variation. (gold, dark gold, silver, gunmetal gray and copper) This series has been started since 1997.
[ DP1 March 2007 ]
Size is 0.7", Gashapon (capsule toy). A figure has 5 color variation. (gold, dark gold, silver, gunmetal gray and copper) This series has been started since 1997.
[ DP1 March 2007 ]
- #025 Pikachu, #130 Gyarados, #387 Turtwig,
- #390 Chimchar, #393 Piplup, #396 Starly, #446 Munchlax
- #025 Pikachu, #143 Snorlax, #417 Pachirisu,
- #406 Budew, #436 Bronzor, #443 Gible, #453 Croagunk
- #025 Pikachu, #133 Eevee, #173 Cleffa, #408 Cranidos,
- #410 Shieldon, #427 Buneary, #440 Happiny, #491 Darkrai
- #025 Pikachu, #063 Abra, #308 Medicham, #394 Prinplup,
- #418 Buizel, #433 Chingling, #459 Snover, #463 Lickilicky

Friday, March 28, 2008
Access to AAPF by Mobile (Blog Info)
Thank you for visiting to All About Pokemon Figure (AAPF) always. This info for mobile users.
If browsing AAPF by mobile terminal, would recommend the following two way.
If browsing AAPF by mobile terminal, would recommend the following two way.
- One of web service company river-stone services-in 'brogger mobile viewer'. If browsing AAPF by mobile terminal, please access/bookmark to AAPF url. Menu and contents are converted simply.
- Using by google mobile proxy. Images are selectable. Here is AAPF with images or without images.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Pokemon Amigurumi Key Chain (Tomy)
Pokemon Action Key Chain DP2 (Bandai)
Bandai will release 6 5 Action Key Chains (partial movable) DP2 in the end of June. Will post the photo and update on the movable part later. Previous items are also mentioned as below.

[ DP1 Released June 2007 ]
[ DP2 will release June 2008 ]
[ Edit 17 June ] DP2 photo is updated

[ DP1 Released June 2007 ]
- #025 Pikachu (Cheek glimmer)
- #387 Turtwig (Mouth open)
- #393 Piplup (Eye smile)
- #483 Dialga (Body spin on the ball)
- #484 Palkia (Body spin on the ball)
- #491 Darkrai (Body spin on the ball)
[ DP2 will release June 2008 ]
- #025 Pikachu ( Body glimmer)
#393 Piplup- #486 Regigigas (Body spin on the ball)
- #487 Giratina (Body spin on the ball)
- #492 Shaymin Land forme (Body glimmer)
- #492 Shaymin Sky forme (Body spin on the ball)
[ Edit 17 June ] DP2 photo is updated
Monday, March 24, 2008
Pokemon Center 10th Annv Plush
Pokemon Center Japan have opened since 25 April 1998. These plushies are 10th anniversary special version, will release in the end of April. Size is 5.5", Pikachu (center in photo) is 11".

- #001 Bulbasaur, #004 Charmander, #007 Squirtle, #025 Pikachu
- #152 Chikorita, #155 Cyndaquil, #158 Totodile
- #252 Treecko, #255 Torchic, #258 Mudkip

Pokemon Figure Children’s Day Version
Heartland released Pokemon figures for Children's Day in the beginning of March. Size : 55" (length) x 45" (height) x 28" (depth). Size : 6.8" (length) x 5" (height), Weight: 575g.
Another photo is Koinobori Pokemon version.
In Japan, 5 May is Children's Day and is a festival for boys. 5 May is one of Japanese national holidays, is also traditionally called Tango no Sekku. Girls's day is 3 March, called Hina Maturi. On Children's Day, families celebrate the healthy growth and happiness of children. And families with boys fly huge carp-shaped streamers (Koinobori) outside the house and display dolls of famous warriors and other heroes inside. The carp was chosen because it symbolizes strength and success; according to a Chinese legend, a carp swam upstream to become a dragon.

[ Edit ]
2 Mar 2012 : Corrected size for 1st figures
Another photo is Koinobori Pokemon version.
In Japan, 5 May is Children's Day and is a festival for boys. 5 May is one of Japanese national holidays, is also traditionally called Tango no Sekku. Girls's day is 3 March, called Hina Maturi. On Children's Day, families celebrate the healthy growth and happiness of children. And families with boys fly huge carp-shaped streamers (Koinobori) outside the house and display dolls of famous warriors and other heroes inside. The carp was chosen because it symbolizes strength and success; according to a Chinese legend, a carp swam upstream to become a dragon.
- #025 Pikachu, #129 Magikarp, #387 Turtwig, #390 Chimchar, #393 Piplup

2 Mar 2012 : Corrected size for 1st figures
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Updated Pokemon DP Figure Release Summary (Blog Info)
Updated inside page in this blog "Summary List of Pokemon DP figure/plush release status", linked to related pages. Hoping it will be more useful.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Pokemon Plush Empoleon
Pokemon official Fan club in Japan offers the prize Empoleon plush. 100 winners by lottery, answer the quiz after watching 'Pokemon Ranger Batonnage Web Comic', 21 March through 30 June. Size is approx. 3.2ft if spread the wings.

BTW, auction of Banpresto plush Azelf, Cresselia and Phione are starting in my eBay store. If interesting, please visit and check it.
- #395 Empoleon
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Pokemon Plush info (Banpresto)
Pokemon Figure Release Info in May#3 (Tomy MC)
Tomy Monster Collection Series will release 2 figures of Pokemon DP on 30 May. Updated summary list of released figure, refer to Pokemon DP figure release summary.
And photo for #486 Regigigas in May is uploaded.
And photo for #486 Regigigas in May is uploaded.
- #487 Giratina (Origin form)
- #492 Shaymin

Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Pokemon Keshipoke DP4
Ensky will release 13 figures of Pokemon Keshi-poke series DP4 in the beginning of June. Size is 0.7" , the figure comes in an eraser Pokeball. (Keshi means eraser in Japanese) DP3 was released in last December.
- #081 Magnemite
- #185 Sudowoodo
- #220 Swinub
- #410 Shieldon
- #462 Magnezone
- #469 Yanmega
- #472 Gliscor
- #473 Mamoswine
- #486 Regigigas
- #487 Giratina (another form)
- #487 Giratina (origin form: no photo)
- #492 Shaymin
Monday, March 17, 2008
Pokemon figures TomyMC photo uploading
Photos for Pokemon Figure Release Info in May#1 DP series and Pokemon Figure Release Info in May#2 (Tomy MC) Battle Scene Series are uploaded.
[Added 19 March 2008]
#486 Regigigas's photo is uploaded.
[Added 19 March 2008]
#486 Regigigas's photo is uploaded.
Pokemon Figure Release Info in April#2 (Tomy MC)
Tomy will release 2 figures set (6figures/1set), Monster Collection Series Entry Set A and B on 17 April. Left photo is Set-A, right one is Set-B. New pose Pikachu and Piplup are included.
[Set A]
[Set A]
- #025 Pikachu, #207 Gligar, #387 Turtwig, #390 Chimchar, #397 Staravia, #418 Buoysel
- #393 Piplup, #417 Pachirisu, #424 Ambipom, #427 Buneary, #440 Happiny, #453 Croagunk

Friday, March 14, 2008
Bandai Pokemon Kids DP7 photo uploading (PokeKids)
Bandai Pokemon Kids DP7, a photos (21 April release) is uploaded.
Mantyke is same as movie 2006 box, Happiny is same as 10th anniversary box, Infernape is same as movie 2007 box, Turtwig, Weavile, Manaphy and Palkia are new pose.
Mantyke is same as movie 2006 box, Happiny is same as 10th anniversary box, Infernape is same as movie 2007 box, Turtwig, Weavile, Manaphy and Palkia are new pose.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Pokemon Game/Movie Summary
Here is upcoming game and movie summary.
[ Game ]
Pokemon Ranger Batonnage
Everyone's Pokemon Ranch
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time and Explorers of Darkness
[ Movie/DVD ]
決戦時空の塔 (10th Movie/Theater)
The Rise of Darkrai (10th Movie/DVD)
Giratina and the Sky's Bouquet: Shaymin (11th Movie/Theater)
26 Apr: Added release info on Mystery Dungeon in Europe
[ Game ]
Pokemon Ranger Batonnage
- Release on 20 March in Japan (Nintendo DS/Wi-Fi Connection)
- Reference link to
Everyone's Pokemon Ranch
- Release on 25 March in Japan (Nintendo Wii (WiiWare))
- Reference link to Pokemon Japan official site
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Time and Explorers of Darkness
- Release on 20 April in US (Nintendo DS)
- Reference link to time and darkness
- Release on 4 July in Europe (Nintendo DS)
[ Movie/DVD ]
決戦時空の塔 (10th Movie/Theater)
- Release on 27 May in Taiwan
- Reference link to Taiwan
The Rise of Darkrai (10th Movie/DVD)
- Release on 27 May in US
- Reference link to
Giratina and the Sky's Bouquet: Shaymin (11th Movie/Theater)
- Release on 19 July in Japan (English title is not sure at present)
- Reference link to Pokemon movie Japan official site
26 Apr: Added release info on Mystery Dungeon in Europe
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Pokemon Knapsack Pikachu, Piplup, Croagunk (Banpresto)
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Pokemon Swing-head Figure Pikachu Shinx Buneary Lucario (Subarudo)
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Pokemon Figure Release Info in May (Bandai SG)
Bandai Pokemon Super Get Series 1 to 15 are full covered DP 105 Pokemons except for Shaymin and Arceus. As best selection series, SP01 will out in April and the following SP02 will out in end of May. Will post the photo later.
- #389 Torterra, #392 Infernape, #395 Empoleon
- #480 Uxie, #481 Mesprit, #482 Azelf
- #483 Dialga, #485 Heatran, #486 Regigigas, #491 Darkrai

Saturday, March 8, 2008
Pokemon Clockwork Figure Pikachu Shinx Darkdrai (Subarudo)
Pokemon figures Bandai SuperGet15 photo uploading
Photo for Bandai Pokemon Super Get Series 15, figure release in March is uploaded.
In April, best selection series SP01 will out.
In April, best selection series SP01 will out.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Pikachu Jumbo Plush (Daiichipan)
Baker company Daiichipan offers the prize, Pikachu jumbo plush, 1200 winners by lottery, to apply stickers (1set 6pcs) of "Pokemon Bread" by 30 April. Size : 0.4m (width) x 0.75m (height).
"Pokemon Bread" is well‐known as Decochara sticker, started since 1998.

"Pokemon Bread" is well‐known as Decochara sticker, started since 1998.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Pokemon Figure Release Info in June (Yujin 3D)
Yujin will release Zukan (3D Pokedex) Series DP08, 10 figures/6sets in the end of June. middle of July. Will post the final photo later. Updated summary list of released figure, refer to Pokemon DP figure release summary.
[ Edit 30 June ] Modified release schedule
[ Edit 1 July ] Uploaded final photo

- #207 Gligar, #472 Gliscor
- #220 Swinub, #221 Piloswine
- #410 Shieldon, #411 Bastiodon
- #473 Mamoswine
- #487 Giratina (origin form 10cm)
- #492 Shaymin (land and sky forme)
[ Edit 30 June ] Modified release schedule
[ Edit 1 July ] Uploaded final photo
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Pokemon Plush Giratina Regigigas Pikachu
Pokemon official site in Japan offers the prize, includes notebook, Giratina face towel and one of plushies Giratina or Regigigas or Pikachu (random selection), 30 winners by lottery, fill out questionnaires in Janapese (about distributed magazine at Pokemon center) by 13 April.
- #025 Pikachu, #486 Regigigas, #487 Giratina (another form)
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