Looks there are some hints for movie 11th.
[ Shaymin ]
- Ash group got the info that a man saw Shaymin's Flower Carrying (花はこび) at Village Teni (テンイ村) before.
- On flower garden, Shaymin's party are gethering (or plural Shaymins ?)
- Shaymin looks male (Shaymin call himself 'ぼく')
- When Shaymin wanted fly, Shaymin rode on Wingull. Didn't fly himself
- Flower on Shaymin's back bloomed when Shaymin inhaled the Glacidia (グラシデア) pollen
- Shaymin with blooming was aggressive, attacked Zero's Magnemite by Energyball and provoked Giratina
- In the night, Shaymin went down (because of fading out Glacidia pollen ?)
- Seed Flare is polluted air purification from Shaymin's inside body
- In the past, Shaymin has blew the forest away after inhaling poison gas
- Zero's Magnemites attacked Shaymin with Miasma, then Shaymin performed Seed Flare. After that, the hole was appeared in the Reverse World
- Shaymin does not know why Giratina aim Shaymin
- Giratina wants Shaymin's help (Seed Flare) for going to real world. Because Giratina had been confined to Reverse World by Dialga
- Giratina has ability that create Dimensional Swirl (次元の渦), it is the entrance to Reverse World from real world
- After Shaymin performed Seed Flare, the hole was appeared in the Reverse World. Then, Giratina could out from Reverse World, but Zero's ship:Megaliba is going to catch Giratina
- Zero was assistant of Mugen who is scholar for Reverse World
- Zero and Mugen found and entered to Reverse World 6 years before
- Zero's intrigue is to be King of Reverse World using Giratina
- Purpose of Zero attacks Shaymin is to out Giratina from Reverse World using Shaymin's Seed Flare
- Village Teni and neighborhood have a custom, to gift Glacidia flower to someone who have been good to them.
- Village Teni is located at the foot of the glacier
- Ash group go by ship to Village Teni, across the fjord
- Team Rocket who were involved to Reverse World, they were apprenticed to Mugen
[ Reference ]
Corocoro June's comic "Giratina and the Sky's Bouquet: Shaymin" Vol.2

[ 15 May 2008 PM3:51 JST / 14 May 2008 PM11:51 PST ]
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