[ DP1 Released June 2007 ]
- #025 Pikachu (Cheek glimmer)
- #387 Turtwig (Mouth open)
- #393 Piplup (Eye smile)
- #483 Dialga (Body spin on the ball)
- #484 Palkia (Body spin on the ball)
- #491 Darkrai (Body spin on the ball)
[ DP2 will release June 2008 ]
- #025 Pikachu ( Body glimmer)
#393 Piplup- #486 Regigigas (Body spin on the ball)
- #487 Giratina (Body spin on the ball)
- #492 Shaymin Land forme (Body glimmer)
- #492 Shaymin Sky forme (Body spin on the ball)
[ Edit 17 June ] DP2 photo is updated
Yes same meaning, Bandai have not yet announced 'New Pokemon' officially. Suppose it will be one of main Pokemon in the new 11th Pokemon movie. Will update it when I get more info.
Thank you for replying. Are you familiar with the magazine, CoroCoro in Japan? Some people are saying a new "shadow" will be revealed in next month's magazine. Do you think it will be a 5th generation Pokemon?
Every time check Corocoro, also April one but no info so far. In Japan just before had the rumor about Golden-sun & Silver-moon (remaking GS) etc etc...
Shall we wait May Corocoro !
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