- #491 Darkrai
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Pokemon Prize Figure Darkrai Glow-in-the-Dark (TomyMC)
Tomy offered the prize in this summer. It is Pokemon Darkrai figure, the head part is Glow-in-the-Dark version. Size and pose are same as Tomy MC already released one.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Pokemon Plush of Mystery Dungeon 2 Time and Darkness Exploration
Pokemon Figure Surfing Pikachu
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Pokemon Plush Torterra, Infernape and Empoleon
Tomy will release 3 new Pokemon plushes, static pose at 19 October.
As for dynamic pose figure, will be released in November.
As for dynamic pose figure, will be released in November.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Pokemon Figure Major Series
For Pokemon figures collecting, we can get them with 4 major series at present.
- Tomy MC
- - Tomy Monster Collection series, called TomyMC in this blog
- - Since 1997, 2 or 3pcs are released in the every month on average
- - Mainly Diamond pearl figures are released at present
- - Coverage of relased figure (upto Ruby and Sapphire) is 325/386 84%
- - Size is 1.5-2", sometimes 3", Static pose
- - A figure is packing in blister case, there were 2 figure packed before
- - In Pokemon movie season, the clear version is released
- - Current DP series has MC number. Ref to MC number and MC number List
- Bandai PokeKids
- - Badai Pokemon Kids series, called Bandai PokeKids in this blog
- - Since 1996, 8-10pcs are released in every two or three months on average
- - Mainly Diamond pearl figures are released at present
- - Coverage of relased figure (upto Ruby and Sapphire) is 386/386 100%
- - Size is 1.5-2", Static pose, Dyamic pose in attack series, having a hole on the bottom as fingure papet
- - A figure is packing in paper box, with a candy and sticker
- - Clear version is included randomly
- Bandai SG
- - Bandai Pokemon Super Get series, called Bandai SG in this blog
- - Since 1997, 8-10pcs are released in every month on average
- - Called Bandai Full Color Collection, Full Color Stadium, Battle Museum, Full Color Advance, Attack Machine Collection in previously
- - Mainly Diamond pearl figures are released at present
- - Coverage of relased figure (upto Ruby and Sapphire) is
386/386 100%383/386 99% - - Size is 1.0-1.5", Static pose,
- - A figure is packing in a capsele in vending machine, Gashapon (capsule toy)
- - Loto prize figure : Metaric color version (Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza), Silver version (Palkia, Dialga)
- Yujin 3D Pokedex
- - Yujin (Tomy's subsidiary) Solid (3D) Pokemon Zukan series, called Yujin 3D Pokedex in this blog
- - Since 2003, 8-10pcs are released in every 2-3 months on average
- - Mainly evolution set of Diamond Pearl (Sinnoh ) figures are released at present
- - Coverage of relased figure (upto Ruby and Sapphire) is 356/386 92%
- - Size is 0.1-1.5", Dyamic pose, 1/40 uniqu scale, 1/50 in some figures, large size figure is prize (e.g. Wailord, Lugia, HoOh)
- - Figures are packing in a capsele in vending machine, Gashapon (capsule toy)
- - Another design version is included randomly (e.g.Toxicroak)
Friday, September 21, 2007
Pokemon Real Figure Collection (Yujin)
In August 2006, Yujin released the figures of main cast in Pokemon movie 9, Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea. 5 kinds, capsule toys, dynamic pose, assemble type.
May, Jackie and Lizabeth's neck are movable, moreover May's head, arm and leg as well.
The figures was going to sell at ordinary toys store, however by some reason, was sold at seven-eleven stores only.
May, Jackie and Lizabeth's neck are movable, moreover May's head, arm and leg as well.
The figures was going to sell at ordinary toys store, however by some reason, was sold at seven-eleven stores only.
- Ash and #025 Pikachu
- Lizabeth and #418 Buizel
- Phantom and #441 Chatot
- Jackie and #458 Mantyke
- May and #490 Manaphy
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Pokemon Plush Cranidos, Stunky, Shieldon, Electivire etc
New Pokemon plush, Shieldon, Glameow, Bonsly, Electivire, Palkia and Cranidos, Stunky, Mime Jr., Magmortar, Dialga will be introduced by Banpresto in the end of October. Size is approx. 5.5-6" height. It is a game prize. Palkia and Dialga is same plushes in last November.
[ Order Link ]
If interesting, please check the following PowerAnime's links.
Shieldon, Glameow, Bonsly, Electivire, Palkia
Cranidos, Stunky, Mime Jr., Magmortar, Dialga
- #410 Shieldon, #431 Glameow, #438 Bonsly, #466 Electivire, #484 Palkia
- #408 Cranidos, #434 Stunky, #439 Mime Jr., #467 Magmortar, #483 Dialga

If interesting, please check the following PowerAnime's links.
Shieldon, Glameow, Bonsly, Electivire, Palkia
Cranidos, Stunky, Mime Jr., Magmortar, Dialga
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Pokemon Plush Piplup, Pachirisu, Buneary, Glameow and Pikachu
New Pokemon plush, Piplup, Pachirisu, Buneary, Glameow and Pikachu will be introduced by Banpresto in the end of September. Size is approx. 5.5-6" height, relax posing. It is a game prize.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Pokemon Figure Release Monthly Summary (Sep)
The following posts are Pokemon Figures release info of major series in September 2007.
Tomy Monster Collection
Pokemon Figure Release Info in September (Tomy MC)
Bandai Pokemon Kids
Pokemon Figure Release Info in September (Bandai PokeKids)
Bandai Super Get
Pokemon Figure Release Info in September (Bandai SG)
Yujin 3D Pokedex
Pokemon Figure Release Info in September (Yujin 3D)
Pokemon DP Figure Summary
Pokemon DP Figure Release Summary
Tomy Monster Collection
Pokemon Figure Release Info in September (Tomy MC)
Bandai Pokemon Kids
Pokemon Figure Release Info in September (Bandai PokeKids)
Bandai Super Get
Pokemon Figure Release Info in September (Bandai SG)
Yujin 3D Pokedex
Pokemon Figure Release Info in September (Yujin 3D)
Pokemon DP Figure Summary
Pokemon DP Figure Release Summary
Pokemon Figure Release Info in December (Yujin 3D)
Yujin 3D Pokedex Series (Zukana) DP06, will release 17 figures/7sets in December January 2008. Updated summary list of released figure, refer to Pokemon DP figure release summary.
If want to see other Zukan series, please refer to Pokemon Yujin 3D figures.

[Revised Friday 14 December]
Release was postponed to January
Readers Who Read This Page, Also Read :
Pokemon Zukan 3D Pokedex (Yujin)
Pokemon Movie 12 setting based on Greece
13th Game Prize Fair Held (Banpresto)
If want to see other Zukan series, please refer to Pokemon Yujin 3D figures.
- #111 Rhyhorn, #464 Rhyperior
- #112 Rhydon, #464 Rhyperior (other pose)
- #102 Exeggcute, #103 Exeggutor, #191 Sunkern, #192 Sunflora
- #193 Yanma, #469 Yanmega
- #198 Murkrow, #430 Honchkrow, #441 Chatot
- #483 Dialga
- #488 Cresselia, #489 Phione, #490 Manaphy
[Revised Friday 14 December]
Release was postponed to January
Readers Who Read This Page, Also Read :
Pokemon Zukan 3D Pokedex (Yujin)
Pokemon Movie 12 setting based on Greece
13th Game Prize Fair Held (Banpresto)
Bandai Pokemon Kids DP5 photo uploading (PokeKids)
Bandai Pokemon Kids DP5, a photos (21 October release figures) is uploaded.
As for Cherubi is same designed (pose and color) as Pokemon Kids 10th Anniversary Box set,
Buneary is new designed.
As for Cherubi is same designed (pose and color) as Pokemon Kids 10th Anniversary Box set,
Buneary is new designed.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Pokemon Clipping Figures
Bandai released 11 figures of Pokemon Clipping series in April. Size is 1.9"-2.7", it's a candy toys, pose is natual and clipping from actual scene. Second series will be released in November.
- #025 Pikachu
- #387 Turtwig
- #390 Chimchar
- #393 Piplup
- #398 Staraptor
- #417 Pachirisu
- #448 Lucario
- #466 Electivire
- #467 Magmortar
- #483 Dialga
- #484 Palkia
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Pokemon Figure Release Info in December (Bandai SG)
Bandai Pokemon Super Get Series 12, will release 10 figures of Pokemon DP in December. Will post the photo later. Updated summary list of released figure, refer to Pokemon DP figure release summary.
- #386 Deoxys
- #416 Vespiquen
- #433 Chingling
- #437 Bronzong
- #444 Gabite
- #448 Lucario
- #457 Lumineon
- #469 Yanmega
- #471 Glaceon
- #483 Dialga
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Pokemon Kids DX DP series
Bandai released 11 figures of Pokemon Kids Deluxe Diamond Pearl series. First 6 figures in the photo were released in February, next 6 one were August 2007. Named Pokemon Kids DX. Same as Poekmon kids candy toys. Size is 2.5"-3.5". Dialga is same figure.

[ Edit 18 July 2008 ]
DX DP3 will be released on 13 August
- #143 Snorlax, #389 Torterra, #392 Infernape, #395 Empoleon, #448 Lucario, #484 Palkia
- #426 Drifblim, #463 Lickilicky, #475 Gallade, #483 Dialga, #491 Darkrai

[ Edit 18 July 2008 ]
DX DP3 will be released on 13 August
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Pokemon Figure Release Info in November#3 (Tomy MC)
Tomy will release 3 figures in Battle Scene series, dynamic pose at 18 November.
Dialga, Palkia and Darkrai in this series were released in July. As for plushes, it will be released in October.
Dialga, Palkia and Darkrai in this series were released in July. As for plushes, it will be released in October.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Pokemon Figure Release Info in November#2 (Tomy MC)
Tomy will renew 2 Pokemon figures, Vaporeon and Jolteon at 18-November. A right figure in the following photo is current one, a left is renewal. As for other renewal, please refer to Meowth and Flareon. Venusaur, Charizard and Blastoise will be in December.

- #134 Vaporeon
- #135 Jolteon

Sunday, September 9, 2007
Pokemon Figure Release Info in November#1 (Tomy MC)
Tomy Monster Collection Series will release 2 figures of Pokemon DP at 18-November. Updated summary list of released figure, refer to Pokemon DP figure release summary.
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Pokemon figures SuperGet & Yujin 3D photos uploading
Bandai Pokemon Super Get Series 9 and Yujin 3D Pokedex Series DP05, photos for September release figures are uploaded.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Pokemon Figure Release Info for Prize (Bandai PokeKids)
In one of major Pokemon fun site in Japan, they set the quiz (50 questions) about Bandai Pokemon Kids figure, with correct answer by 3rd September and lottery, then gives the prize 3 Pokemon Kids figures. They are new color version (Shiny Pokemon) of 10th Anniversary Box set.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Pokemon Figure Release Info (Bandai PokeKids)
Bandai started Pokemon Kids series since 1996. This box set was 10th anniversary special sales at 5th December 2006. Figures check sheet and Game play (Sugoroku) sheet are attached (1sheet).
- #025 Pikachu
- #387 Turtwig
- #390 Chimchar
- #393 Piplup
- #420 Cherubi
- #425 Drifblim
- #427 Buneary
- #440 Happiny
- #483 Dialga
- #484 Palkia
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Pokemon Figure Release Info in July#3 (Bandai PokeKids)
Bandai Pokemon Kids series, released 2 box sets at 24th July, for 10th movie Palkia VS Dialga VS Darkrai. Named Pokem-Kids movies, Dialga set and Palkia set. We can see the legs of Darkrai in Dialga set ! As for Pikachu, Turtwig and Piplup are new pose compare with 10th Anniversary Box set. Updated summary list of released figure, refer to Pokemon DP figure release summary.
- #025 Pikachu
- #387 Turtwig
- #389 Torterra
- #392 Infernape
- #393 Piplup
- #395 Empoleon
- #483 Dialga
- #484 Palkia
- #491 Darkrai
Monday, September 3, 2007
Pokemon Figure Release Info in July#2 (Bandai PokeKids)
A new Pokemon movie was released in July 2007, Dialga VS Palkia VS Darkrai.
Bandai then introduced 12 pcs figures box set, named 'Pikachu the movie 10th Pokemon Kids special box'. All of figures are Legendary Pokemon. This box set was limited, available at stores of Seven-Eleven and Ito-Yokodo, not ordinary toys stores. Attachment sheet in the box is Pokemon-kids figure check list and introduction of Pokemon's movie for 10 years.
A clear version of Darkrai figure is included. As for Entei, it is new pose. Latias and Latios are attack version, 'wish' and 'Dragon Claw'.
Bandai then introduced 12 pcs figures box set, named 'Pikachu the movie 10th Pokemon Kids special box'. All of figures are Legendary Pokemon. This box set was limited, available at stores of Seven-Eleven and Ito-Yokodo, not ordinary toys stores. Attachment sheet in the box is Pokemon-kids figure check list and introduction of Pokemon's movie for 10 years.
A clear version of Darkrai figure is included. As for Entei, it is new pose. Latias and Latios are attack version, 'wish' and 'Dragon Claw'.
- #150 Mewtwo, #151 Mew
- #244 Entei, #249 Lugia, #251 Celebi
- #380 Latias, #381 Latios, #385 Jirachi, #386 Deoxys
- #448 Lucario, #490 Manaphy, #491 Darkrai

Sunday, September 2, 2007
Pokemon Plush Gengar, Mismagius and Spiritomb
Plushes of Gengar, Mismagius and Spiritomb were introduced by Pokemon Center at 1st September 2007, named "Halloween-set". Size is approx. 5.5" height.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Pokemon Figure Release Info in September (Bandai PokeKids)
Bandai Pokemon Kids series 'Attacks learned' 07, will release 13 figures 18th September.
'Attacks learned' is Pokemon Diamond Pearl version.
'Attacks learned' is Pokemon Diamond Pearl version.
- #036 Clefable(Metronome)
- #077 Ponyta (Take Down)
- #143 Snorlax (Block)
- #154 Meganium (Aromatherapy)
- #160 Feraligatr (Ice Fang)
- #208 Steelix (Iron Tail)
- #242 Blissey (Egg Bomb)
- #248 Tyranitar (Thrash)
- #249 Lugia (Aeroblast)
- #250 Ho-Oh (Sky Attack)
- #377 Regirock (Iron Head)
- #378 Regice (Lock-On)
- #379 Registeel (Rock Throw)
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