Bandai will release the following new MegaBlocks Toys on 25 October and 8 November.
Will edit detailed including blocks later.
[ Pokemon Block Land DX ] release on 8 November

[ New Pokemon DX Bucket DP ] release on 25 October
As for previous line up, please refer to the following links Bandai useful pages.
Line up#1, Line up#2, Line up#3,
Block info#1, Block info#2, Block info#3
[ Edit 3 Nov 2008 ] Edit and corrected including blocks.
Will edit detailed including blocks later.
[ Pokemon Block Land DX ] release on 8 November
- #025 Pikachu, #387 Turtwig, #390 Chimchar, #393 Piplup,
- #403 Shinx, #442 Spiritomb, #443 Gible, #447 Riolu,
- #470 Leafeon, #471 Glaceon, #475 Gallade, #479 Rotom,
- #480 Uxie, #481 Mesprit, #482 Azelf, #483 Dialga,
- #484 Palkia, #485 Heatran, #487 Giratina (origin), #491 Darkrai

[ New Pokemon DX Bucket DP ] release on 25 October
- Ash, Dawn
- #025 Pikachu, #052 Meowth, #387 Turtwig, #390 Chimchar,
- #393 Piplup, #397 Staravia, #424 Ambipom, #453 Croagunk,
- #472 Gliscor, #492 Shaymin (land)

Line up#1, Line up#2, Line up#3,
Block info#1, Block info#2, Block info#3
[ Edit 3 Nov 2008 ] Edit and corrected including blocks.
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